Sunday, December 28, 2008

Financial Resolutions for The New Year

Now 2008 is going to end & this is the good time to spring clean and take control of your finances. Please take a look in this following video it may help you to make next year a better one financially.

I hope after seeing this video you can fix your new year financial resolutions. If you want to add anything with this article you most welcome. I need your suggestion to improve my knowledge. Finally, wishing all my visitors a very "Happy New Year" in advance.


Anonymous said...

These are all some great ideas that he presents. I think the "Pay as you go" cellphone deal is a really good idea. I'm regretting my 2 year contract as it has cost me a lot of money. Luckily, it's up this year.

Chris Burgoyne said...

Don't always assume that when you're in a contract you HAVE to be on the same plan the whole time. I have phoned providers with 7 months to go and they've changed for me.
Frank @ Home Loans