If your finances are in good shape, but you want to see them bulk up some more, choosing to invest could be the option for you.
Invest wisely and you’ll diversify your portfolio, let your money work for you, and give yourself a project to stay on top on.
Here are four places to consider investing your money in the new year.
1. Help a startup (and yourself)
Crowdfunding has made it possible for innovative companies to succeed. And it gives investors the chance to get in on the action. For your money, you’ll get shares in the new business, and short-terms benefits, too. Say you want to invest in a speaker company. Your money could fit out your living room with a home cinema system as an extra bonus.
Crowdfunding websites make it easy to find a fledgling company you believe in. They let you invest quickly and easily by debit card. And offer regular updates on the startup’s progress. For a little direction, read www.forbes.com’s 6 Top Crowdfunding Websites.
2. Go for gold
The elder statesman of the investment world, gold’s value doesn’t bend with other assets such as shares or property. So, it can offer solid insurance against inflation and volatile stock markets. You can invest in gold bullion, or open a gold Individual Retirement Account (IRA).
These accounts hold gold – and other precious metals – for you. Like other IRA assets, there’s no tax until you withdraw, so the value of your gold can grow exponentially over time. Websites such as goldbullioninvestment.org let you compare the top-rated gold IRA companies out there. Here’s a beginner’s guide to investing in gold.
3. Go overseas
Savings and fixed income investments are safe ways to grow your money slowly. But wealth management products from offshore banks can offer the same security with the benefit of more growth. They offer a fixed income investment deal, but because of globalization and emerging foreign economies, you can get more interest. Discover more tricks like these to grow your wealth at www.financeideas4u.com/
4. Buy a house
Good old bricks and mortar. When your money is zeros and ones that fluctuate with the stock market, there’s something reassuring about investing property. If it’s your first home, your saving money wasted on rent. If you’re adding to your investment portfolio, you can afford to keep an eye on the market and buy when prices are low. Like now! With 50% of homes bought in summer, winter is a great time to buy.
Are you buying to let? If so, your home state might not be the best place to maximize your investment. Consider buying a property abroad. Even with letting agent fees, you could make more bang for your buck, and have the advantage of a holiday home.
If you’re bold and wise with your investment, you can retire early. Go gung-ho, and you might have to work overtime. But if you explore the options above, we reckon you’ll be onto a safe bet.