Monday, February 6, 2017

4 Advantages of Manufactured Housing

housing market status
Did you know that over 17 million Americans live in manufactured homes? This could mean motor homes, prefabricated housing or even a mobile home. Either way, a lot of Americans choose to live in manufactured housing, but why?

In fact, what does manufactured housing even mean and what does it imply? In most parts of the United States, manufactured housing is called a mobile home. It usually refers to a home that is built entirely in a factory and then delivered to prospective clients. Now that’s out of the way, let’s explore some of the reasons why manufactured housing is such a big draw to so many Americans.

1. It’s very cheap

If you look at mobile homes for sale, you’ll realise that they can start at a ridiculously low price of $23,000. Compared to the median price of a house in the United States (which is $188,900), you could buy roughly eight mobile homes for the price of a single “standard” house. That is an incredible value that cannot be ignored. $23,000 is just the base price of a simple studio-like apartment mobile home, but it doesn’t cost much more to upgrade to a larger mobile home. Since the cost of the home is so low, you can afford to upgrade the mobile home with several improvements and furnish it with top-end furniture.

2. Modability

Many manufactured houses are modular, meaning that you can install “modules” or remove them at will and customise your mobile home. This means you can add multiple bedrooms, bathrooms and customise the layout without much trouble. Since the building process is so flexible, you can save a lot of money in the building process and you’ll have total control over what you want. Of course, you’ll have to pay extra for a custom-built mobile home, but it will still be a lot cheaper than buying a normal home.

3. Energy Efficiency

Manufactured houses have a major advantage over traditional homes in the energy efficiency department. Builders take a lot of care when they install appliances into a mobile home and they make sure to use energy efficient parts in everything from the cooking stove to the heating and cooling systems. Windows are also very solid to prevent cold air from seeping in, and overall a mobile home has been delicately crafted to ensure that it lasts for a long time and isn’t a disposable home that you can throw away in the future.

4. Extended Warranty

New mobile homes are subject to a very appealing warranty scheme. If you think about the times when you needed something repaired and it took forever to get a repairman to come and fix a light bulb or a plumber to repair a leaky pipe, then you’ll probably want to avoid using those services ever again. With a mobile home, there are many extended warranty plans that will cover not just the home itself, but the appliances and inner workings of your home, meaning that repairs are swift, cheap and easy to perform.

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