Saturday, December 9, 2017

How The Credit Crunch Affected Us

crunching finance
Back in 2007, no business on the planet fared well up against the recession; more commonly known as the Credit Crunch. 10 years on, there’s a lot we’ve learned from the experience of living through it and after it. A credit crunch is a tricky time for anyone, but they mostly impact business owners and those whose personal finances rely on it, especially when you’re playing on the small degree. Before a credit crunch tries to roll around in the Western world once again, and they can vary due to the amount of variable inflation on the market, here’s what the previous one taught us to look out for.

How it Changed Credit Cards

Credit scores tend to vary a lot when the credit just isn’t there for people to borrow! That means credit scoring has changed a lot since the previous recession, and the world got a little more complicated because of it. Score generators now take into account the behaviour of consumers and the economic climate at the same time, and how your habits fare against it.

If you run a business, a credit crunch targets that first. However, that means your personal living costs are going to skyrocket at the same time; it’s all a cycle of cause and effect. First of all, if you have two separate credit card accounts for these two purposes, keep an eye out for a little credit card consolidation to tide either one of them over in times of trouble. People tend to panic and bulk buy when the future is uncertain in this way, so it’s easier than you’d think to make the money back.

How it Changed Family Dynamics

No one was unaffected by the lack of money that was around during the credit crunch, and most of all it meant that families tended to stick together. Staying afloat was all about money, so divorce rates dropped when it came to preserving a family’s health. Whilst the real estate market dropped as a result of this, it meant people could pool their resources.

Stamp duty was astronomical at this point, but there was a great boom on the renovation front. People got better and better at the DIY side of things and many houses had extensions in their lofts and back gardens. Everyone was looking for a little more room, and standing on your own two feet was often impossible.

Community was strong during this time, and sticking together happened outside of families as well. People often tended to use each other’s cars and take more public transport; this was a lot more affordable than buying own or new cars. Less and less mileage affected the roads and thus the fuel consumption rate dropped. That’s a win for the environment!

The credit crunch had a lot of cons, but on the other hand these sometimes generated their own pros. Seeing the positive side of negative things is essential to finding opportunities to making and saving more and more money!

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