Thursday, November 27, 2008

Understanding The Financial Crisis--For Kids and Grownups

Now financial crisis is a known problems all over the world. Everyone want to overcome this problem. But many of us don't know the exact reason of this crisis. So, If our kids & grownups will ask anything regarding the reason of this financial crisis. What will be our answer?

Here is the answer...

I think after watching this video it is littlebit clear to all. What is the reason behind this financial crisis. So, we will able to give the answer to our kids & grownups regarding this. It will help them also to prepare for the situation.


Elisheva Wiriaatmadja said...

Interesting video.

I'm not so sure if kids could actually understand this but it's a pretty clear explanation about this whole financial crisis.

Elisheva Wiriaatmadja
My Loans Consolidated -- Personal Finance Blog

jos said...

Fixing this problem requires abolishing the ‘Federal Reserve’. If the price of credit was set by supply and demand, the business cycle would not even exist. It’s because the Government doesn’t interfere in the demand and supply of say, pens, or clothes, which is why you never hear of crisis in these products.You can also find information about Currency rates.

Anonymous said...

I also agree with Elisheva that it is quite difficult for kids to understand the typical finance terms.

Financial Chronicle

Chris Burgoyne said...

What a great video - not just for kids but for adults too.
Frank @ Home Loans / Loans / Secured Loans

Chris Burgoyne said...

By the way - can I link here from my blog?
Frank @ Payday Loans